+39 0331 668.144
Via F. Baracca 32
S.Antonino di Lonate P.lo (VA) ITALY
S.T.C. foundry have been working in the field for more than 40 years and its experience has been passed from generation to generation. It is specialized in the casting with both ground method and shell method of all the primary and minor steel alloys.
P.Iva e C.F.02684060128
Cap.Soc. EURO 10.000,00
N.Rea 277486
N.Reg.Imprese VA 02684060128
S.T.C. dei F.lli Tita S.r.l.
Fonderia leghe leggere di alluminio
Via F. Baracca n.32
21010 - S.Antonino Ticino
di Lonate Pozzolo (VA) - ITALY
Telefono: +39.0331.668.144
Fax: +39.0331.667.063